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Mailman time VR Edition

I created this version to showcase my skills in the VR space, and of course, to pretend I'm Legolas working a 9-5. Hey, elven equipment is expensive, and someone has to deliver mail across Middle Earth.


ReholsterBow(): This is called from the script attached to the bow OnSelectExited (or when you release grip), it resets the position and attaches to the holster.

if(!gameStarted): Ensuring that the game only starts when the bow is grabbed so the player is not overwhelmed, it also triggers the next visual example, "exampleRightHandModelSqueeze".

ReplaceCurrentItemInNotch: When the player wants to change what's already notched, it takes in a modified string name. This is done by calling the method from the GameObject selected and replacing (Clone) with "".


This is a section of the FirstPersonController script, when the player enters a powerup trigger collider, it boosts the respective stat, sets the boolean, and begins the coroutine (seen below).


Here, when the coroutine is finished, it checks which booleans were modified and resets the stats to normal.



I learned the basics of VR and Unity's event system. The most difficult aspect is arranging the hierarchy of the player/camera, setting the correct filters, and understanding the naming conventions.

© 2023 Bryce Black

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